Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 145

Art Walk.

Anticipation can be a great thing.
It can also be terrifying.

Anticipation of the unknown (hurricanes, terrorists, economic depression) has been driving our country and our world's media for a long time.
And its time to stop.
High time.

There is enough fear already in our world. We don't need the extra push to bring impending doom into the forefront each night on the news or each time we log on to our email.

Enough already.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 144

The Curiosity of Chance.

People come in and out of our lives.
Some form acquaintances.
Others become friends.
And a small few fill our heart and soul and grow to be part of our very being.

When life separates us from these particular persons, fate has a way of keep them part of us. Bringing them back in our lives.
Fate, and Facebook.

An old nursery rhyme sums it up better than I am able to at the moment:
"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

No matter what jewel, they are precious and we should hold on to them with all our hearts.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 143

Thank you.

A special note to anyone who, even if only once in the past 3 years, has sent me a letter, dropped me a funny card, made a visit, dialed me up, or just said a prayer for me. I will forever be indebted to each and every one of you for giving me strength, support and courage.

The other night I (finally) began sorting through 3 boxes of get-well cards and letters. I have read over 500 notes from friends, family and even strangers who wanted to let me know I wasn't alone.

And, I am not sure I ever got to tell each of really worked.
I never felt alone. I never felt frightened that I was fighting all by myself. I always knew that you were out there watching, praying and cheering my recovery on.

Thank you.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 142

Newspaper Ad.

First days are sometimes hard.
And frustrating.

Or they can go by in a blink of an eye because you have not one second of free time to even catch up on the office gossip (and eat ham salad sandwiches).

Guess which one I had!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 141


Driving from Cleveland to Virginia Beach today was not the smooth 8-hour car trip anticipated. Traffic was heavy. Very heavy. It being Labor Day was no help at all.

Stand stills.
Police cruisers.

And an upset stomach.

Not the ideal car trip.
Made even more nerve-wracking when my attention came upon the fact that I wasn’t wearing my scapular.

I always wear my scapular. Always.
I think I have had it on most every minute of every day since August 1st, 2005.
Not the same scapular throughout this whole time (105 degree fevers tend to destroy more than just the party atmosphere I the hospital) but a blessed scapular nonetheless.

For those unfamiliar…and of course, I am not claiming expertise on the subject…the scapular is a religious cloth necklace (for lack of the correct word) with a small rectangle that is worn on your chest and a matching worn on your back made in honor of Mary’s appearance on Mt Carmel at some point in history. The vary in phrasing. On the front of my original was written “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, please pray for us” while the back declared that “Whoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire…Our Lady’s scapular promise”.

Even though, death from leukemia seems less likely every day, I kept the scapular.
Not superstitious as some have teased.

But a believer. And to be honest, I don’t even have a clue what the vision of Mary was about and to whom, but she hasn’t been wrong yet, so I won’t push it.

Besides, a get-out-of-jail/hell-card might come in handy one of these days.

P.S. For those wondering, yes, I had an extra in the car and am wearing it as I type!