We Will Rock You.
Is anyone still reading this blog?
The youth of America (ok, the former youth of America) want to know.
Go ahead.
Leave a comment.
Even just a 'hey, I read...you suck' (except please don't say suck, its quite possibly my least favorite word in the world).
Or 'hey, I never understand what your first sentence has to do with the rest of the thought.'
With each question there is an answer.
With each comment, a new thought is prompted.
Say you asked me what was up with today's first line.
It makes no sensde to you.
You demand an explanation.
And so you shall have it.
Today, there was much focus on Youth.
And with youth, comes rebellion and angst.
And a quest for knowledge and experience.
And the simple combing of these issues brings us to the 'Queen' musical, "We Will Rock You."
Makes perfect sense.
So, if you are out there...this blog would love to hear from you.
Fire away.