Snow on the ground. A chill in the air. A family member missing. A loved one far away.
Yet, the spirit of Easter was surprisingly strong this year.
Starting off with the annual egg hunt (how did eggs get associated with Easter - question that needs answering) in which, despite a missing Daniel, I still lost, and lost badly, the day was a wonderful mix of my church and my family. I don't normally get the chance to use masses on holidays for intense prayer - mainly due to the shear concentration I need to be able to handle all the music tossed my way - but it doesn't make the mass any less beautiful to me or less important. It did give me the notion that no matter where I am, be it Cleveland or VA BCH or Guam, I want to be involved at the church I am attending.
Any way I can.
Back to the day, family dinner followed mass with most of my father's side making their way over to my parent's house. Way too much food. Aunt Betty, at 92 years old, still as opinionated as ever, had no qualms pointing out that women today, including those present, no longer wear skirts or dresses and that they would look much classier if they did! All in all, a wonderful dinner.
Made my way back to my house and shoveled (literally) a path to my front door...31 inches and counting of snow. Taxes were calling to be finished, but alas, Housewives won out. Alarm is set for early AM and caluclater, pencil and computer are at the ready. Happy Easter to one and all...truly!
1 comment:
God I love this picture!!!
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