Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 90


Do you read reviews?
Do you care what critics say about your work?
About you?

If you are one who says they never read are lying!
Theatre is an ego-centric profession. Its a given.
Yes, its supposedly about the art and the storytelling.
But its also, you, onstage, in front of a crowded theatre (hopefully).

And approval is definitely a plus.

If you are one of those who admits to reading those reviews, do you alter your performance?
Or do you stand firm in your take on the role?

Tough questions today.

In my own personal opinion, which is essentially what a review is anyways (not mine but the critics): stick true to the character you have created and the performance you are giving; unless there is a great revelation on some aspect that never came to the creative team's mind during the course of the show.
Or to correct a blatent error that went under radar (ex: the pronunciation of Cairo)

And for those reviewers who find it necessary to comment on the age of the performers (I feel a Verbelun moment coming on):
Don't you think we know we are too old sometimes.
Don't you think our bodies ache and tell us we aren't 14 years old any longer?
Don't you think we are smart enough to know but wise enough to accept the role because we relish the opportunity to create something onstage we might be quite good in doing?

Bring it on!

Day 89


When something good happens to you, you have high hopes that everyone will share in your excitement.
Not always the case.

Never underestimate the power of jealousy.
Or concern.
Or just plain displeasure from others at your happiness.

Do you dwell on their reactions or continue to feel damn good about yourself for moving forward in your carreer?
What would you do?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 88


One sometimes hears an actor say, that the audition you are looking least forward to, is the one you end up booking.
Or the gig you have no expectations for getting, you land.

It took time to understand but it truly does make sense.

Case study:
You are up for a job interview that for a position you really really want.
You are nervous.
You sweat.
You fumble your words.
Thoughts get jumbled.
You don't give the best impression of who you are.

Case study 2:
You go to an interview for a job you aren't necessarily crazy about or a position you don't really need.
You have a much better time remaining calm.
The pressure if off.

And more often than not, a better impression is left.
You may even end up with the job.
Or the role.
Man 1 in Forbidden Broadway SVU for the next 6 months or your life.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 87

Forbidden Broadway.

Small Houses.
Theatres around the country are plagued with them.
What a budding theatre to do?

Sink money into expensive advertising?
Chuck it all in and move on to a new project?
Or rely on word of mouth to pick up your attendance?

Forget the second option. When all else fails you try at least one more thing before throwing in the towel.
And then another thing.
And one more even.

Never give up.
Tomorrow brings new options...everyday.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 86

Oceans 13.

Is it possible to enjoy the third in a series of movies better than the previous installments?
It seems absurd.
Impossible, even.

But it can happen.
And happen with a quietly, charming and witty story of crooks out for revenge.

Was it more enjoyable, knowing that it may be the last of the "Ocean" movies?
Was it because the weather was perfect movie weather - dark and stormy?
Was it just because it lived up to the hype?

Any way you slice it, no complaints here.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 85

Its Today.

There is something to be said about a lazy afternoon.
A productive morning falling into a nice, leisurely mid-day break.
Followed by an evening or work and socializing.

The perfect day.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day 84

Dirty Rotten Scoundrals.

Father's Day.

A special day to thank our dads for being such wonderful caregivers, advisors and friends.
A day to express our deep gratitude for all they have sacrificed for us.

A day made even more special when that dad, pays the restaurant bill.
I love you dad!

Day 83

Opening Night.

The adrenaline. The quickened pulse.
The anticipation.

Nothing makes you feel alive like an Opening Night.
The rush.
The excitement.
The nerves.

The Magic of Live Theatre.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Day 82


A preview with no audience.

Can you still consider it a preview?
Or do you change the name to final dress?

And really, is anyone counting?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 81


Adding elements, such as lighting and costumes and orchestra, to a production, can increase the anxiety for the actor.
They now must have control of their lines, blocking, and music and must keep the focus on the story.
It can be quite frightening, and a tremendous amount of work.

But it can also serve to enhance the style, the quality, and performance.

The question then becomes:
Is it worth the stress and worry when faced with adding additional layers to the show?

As long as the story telling remains the clear focus you should have no fear.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 80

Tom Sawyer.

When you are replacing another actor in a show , there are going to be certain expectations...

Will you live up to the original?
Can any performer ever surpass the original artist?

Ask Patti Lupone if she ever felt dwarfed by Julie Covington's original concept of Evita, or Angela Lansbury's Mrs. Lovitt, or even Ethel Merman's Mame Rose?

Take it and run with it.
Or don't take it at all.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 79

First Run.

When an already aggravating day ends frustratingly, what can you do to not go to bed angry?

Do you watch a sitcom rerun on Lifetime and try to laugh?
Do you eat your troubles away?
Do you blog to get the anxiety off your chest in hopes that upon waking tomorrow, your troubles will be lessened.

Or do you just go to bed, because even as upset as you are, you can't possibly stay awake one more minute.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 78

The 61st Annual Tony Awards.

Big upset tonight.
Raul Esparza was robbed.
It should have been his night.
There is no reason he should have gone home empty-handed.
Not to mention poor Martha Plimpton being tossed aside for previous winner, Jennifer Ehle.

Aside from those two shockers, the Tonys were pleasantly fun this year.
Great performances. The hours flew by.
Even a few cute speaches.

Never having been a fan of an award show minus the host, this Tonys made me reconsider my prejudice.
It does allow everyone their own moment in the spotlight, as it were.

The biggest dissapointment is having to wait a whole year for the next one.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 77

A toast.

May the best of your pasts,
be the worst of your futures.

Day 76


Putting it together.
Bit by bit.
Part by part.

When a show comes together so quickly there isn't a lot of time to develop relationships with your fellow cast members.
Aside from a few words at the beginning and end of rehearsals and maybe a quick "I gotta pee" as you race to the restroom on a break, it doesn't allow for much offstage interaction.

Does that affect the morale of the company?
Can a onstage show maintain authenticity if the offstage actors haven't developed a firm comradery?
How forcefully do you pursue those new relationships when you have hundreds of lines yet to memorize?

We shall soon find out.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day 75

Dan Arrives.

A day of contradictions.

Dan arrived and brought with him a fresh energy.
A much needed breath of fresh air.

The same day.

A good friend lost the child inside her.
Horrifying tragedy.

When you are given such opposing circumstances at the same time, there must be a reason.
So one can keep everything in perspective perhaps.
Or to make you appreciate your life more.

Or just confuse the heck out of you when you are trying to come up with a clear thought about the day.

Day 74


When Plan A and B and sometimes even C don't work, do you continue to Plan D or do you scrap the original idea and discover a new Plan A?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 73

Parma Little Theatre.

Unpacking can be very theraputic.
Whether its clothing during vacation, a school bag at the end of the term, or a box of props from a past production.
Whatever the item, a memory is attached.

And that memory is forever.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 72

We are the Boys.

At a picnic we held over the weekend, one partygoer was heard to proclaim at least 12 times to various indivuals and groups,
"I can't drink today, I am driving two highschool girls and have a show to do tonight".

What is going on in a person to make them repeat a thought over and over to different and the same folk?
Do they realize they have already voiced the thought outloud several times?
Do they just need to be heard?

Maybe its lonleliness and that person deserves our compassion and not criticism.
Maybe its the onset of Alzheimers.

Maybe we shouldn't be as critical of others.

But damn, it makes for good conversation sometimes!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 71

St. Anthony of Padua.


The day before rehearsals.
Tension is in the air.
Nerves are frayed.

Wound tight.

Will the next 24 hours run smoothly?
Have we anticpated all possible problems and issues?
Does the day before rehearsals ever get easier?

Will we sleep soundly tonight?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day 70


Getting older sometimes feels unfare.
Sometimes unbelievalbe.
Sometimes frustrating.

But when you realize you aren't growing older alone and your good friends are going through the same life situations as you, age seems irrelevant.

Not age.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Day 69

For your Consideration.

Complete mental and physical exhaustion.
Everyone is tired.
Worn out.

Everyone, except the cat.

At first hestitant, Sondheim has taken the house by storm, leaping and bounding on every available surface.
And several unavailable spaces,
Such as this laptop.
While opened.
Being used.

With newly discovered claws.