One sometimes hears an actor say, that the audition you are looking least forward to, is the one you end up booking.
Or the gig you have no expectations for getting, you land.
It took time to understand but it truly does make sense.
Case study:
You are up for a job interview that for a position you really really want.
You are nervous.
You sweat.
You fumble your words.
Thoughts get jumbled.
You don't give the best impression of who you are.
Case study 2:
You go to an interview for a job you aren't necessarily crazy about or a position you don't really need.
You have a much better time remaining calm.
The pressure if off.
And more often than not, a better impression is left.
You may even end up with the job.
Or the role.
Man 1 in Forbidden Broadway SVU for the next 6 months or your life.
This makes complete sense. Maybe next audition I should forcefully convince myself to downplay my excitement.
Can anyone train themselves to "not" look forward to a audition? I hear a U. of Chicago study coming on...
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