Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 96

He's Back.

So its no surprise that I have been very sparse in my writings these past 9 or so weeks. Putting me a good 65 or so days behind where I should be on my blogging.
My apologies for disappearing.

It wasn't for lack of thoughts.
They were there.
Loads of things I want to share.
(Just completed a run of Seussical The Musical, so excuse the rhymes!)

And I will share them with you.
In time.

Right now, bed is calling my name.


matthew martin said...

I like that picture. Where's the copyright?! ;)

You coax the blues right out of, me!

Glad you're back.

Amanda said...

Welcome back :) I've missed you

Billy said...

Welcome back. I've missed the daily posts!