Fat Tax.
Should obese people be forced to pay more for travel?
Somewhere in the United States there is a bill posed before congress right now asking this very question.
When NPR began its half-hour long coverage and debate this morning on the topic there was no doubt in my mind that this policy would be squashed like a bug on the windshield.
I was wrong.
Dead wrong.
Folks from all over called in to relate their airplane horror stories of being stuck next to a large person for a 6 hour flight. Or in between two.
Or on the train. And subway. Or cruise ship dining room (not sure how that applied, though).
No one called to defend those who are overweight and share their side of travel nightmares. It can't be any easier for them.
Honestly I am sure they are just as uncomfortable if not more so than fellow "average" size travelers.
The arguments were there.
More weight = More fuel for the airplane.
Unhappy passengers = Less likely to rebook.
But aren't they burdened enough?
They are already forced to pay extra for their plus size clothing (which I will defend based solely on the 'more material needed' clause) and insurances are higher and harder to come by.
We need to figure out better ways to help Each Other thrive and enjoy life in our society and not make it harder to be who we are and what we are given to work with.
Fat people didn't call in because they don't want to draw attention to themselves even more...
Fat people were also probably trying to ignore the conversation and pretend that things like this never happen to them.
But most of all, fat people know that they will lose this battle... There are valid arguments that say there should be a fat tax. But like you said- aren't we suffering enough? Is this the best way to go about doing things? Couldn't we better use our time and resources to HELP fat people? I'm not, in anyway, saying, "poor me"- but what I am saying is that it SUCKS to be fat and travel. Because we KNOW that everyone is looking at us dreading that they might sit next to us. We know that when we sit down the seat belt might not fit and we will have to bring more attention to ourselves by asking for an extension.
And yes, more weight equals more fuel on the plane, but is there hardened evidence that the planes that fly with fat people use more fuel? I guess I just don't see that the extra weight from overweight people will really drag down a plane. Maybe I'm wrong.
All in all, yeah, it sucks. It probably sucks to sit next to the fat person on the plane... but would suck more? Sitting by someone fat for a few hours- or being the fat person who everyone avoids?
I'm jealous that you can cuddle with your kitty, mine just wants to lie on my feet, every now and again. As for the topic, the only fat person I've flown with is my father and he's pretty comfortable to sleep on, so I didn't mind. -E
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