The day formerly known as Today will now only be known to those witnesses as the Day of Stress.
Beginning with a bitchy actor, continuing into a potential cancelling of Seussical (hopefully Pierre talked us out of that mess) and ending with my phone getting wet and not working...ah yes, and taxes.
Did i forget to mention that today was the big Toni-moving-her-life-into-a-pod day? added stress. and loads of physical work. loads.
Those who might wonder how my phone got wet...well, in the shower trying to clean the grime off my sweaty torso and someone called (he shall remain nameless - unless the phone doesn't work after it dries and then he's to blame of course) and i jump out and answer. still soaking wet. still soapy. get the phone completely slogged and then jump back in and finish the shower. an hour later after some terrible chicken and cashews from china 1, i grab the phone - of course i closed it after using it in my shower daze, letting all the water from my face and hair soak in and fry the phone real smart.
But I am optimistic. I sucked the water out with a vaccuum cleaner and used mark's hair blow dryer...does anyone still use a hair blow dryer?
I'll drink to that.
And one for Mahler.
So, it comes to pass that in the next few days I am determined to get my taxes done and get my finances in order and move past the stress of the day formerly known as today.
Thats a start. well, not hitting snooze 6 times is a start, but little things every day.
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