I doubt it Cliff.
Tonight something happened to me I never thought I would live to see. I became my brother Dan. I became a critical monster of a piece of theatre. Right there before I could escape. Before I could stop myself. Granted, the show in question ("Cabaret" at the Governor School for the Arts - a performing arts High School I have championed) was not near what I have grown to expect from this kind of a program and is a show I have seen and been involved in too many times not to have an opinion.
What were they thinking to pick this show? There are so many better shows for that group of talented kids. And if "Cabaret" then why shy away from 'doing' "Cabaret"? Was the director so nervous about audience reaction that he eliminated any point of view of the piece? The show is so brave and bold and daring, and when you lose that, the show bottoms out.
I found myself not applauding. Not applauding kids I have seen grow up from freshman to seniors, developing into some of the most talented performers around. Kids who were working their butts off on that stage. Not because they weren't wonderful but because I didn't understand what they were being told to do throughout the work.
So Daniel Richard Marshall, if you are ever reading this, please know that your viscious assualts and sharp-eyed critques on many a broadway musical near and dear to my heart may have finally rubbed off.
(I just wish it had waited until AFTER I left the lobby!)
p.s. on a completely minorly-related not: This is the first time I have felt what it must be like to be a teacher or uncle or even a father in a way...to see "kids" who are no longer "kids" and felt somewhat responsible for some of their habits, talent and discipline. somewhat!
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