Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 138

The First Snow.

Nothing is impossible...
there are merely different levels of probability.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 137

Lenders Magic and Costume Shop.
God sent us the rainbow as a sign that he would never again intentionally destroy mankind.
As long as there are rainbows, there is hope in our world.

When is the last time you have seen a rainbow?
Is it just me or are they hard to find as of late?

Just wondering.

Day 136

Evan Almighty.

Have you ever been falsely accused of cheating?

At school?
At work?
In a relationship?

Nothing makes your heart sink more rapidly into your stomach that a false accusation of cheating.

How do you convince said accuser that no cheating is involved?

Do you search high and low for anything that will prove your case?
Do you turn the accusation back onto the accuser and take the focus off yourself?
Do you let allow the whole mess to blow over until the facts appear and prove your innocence?

And even after you have proven your innocence, what are the chances that seed of doubt will ever be erased completely from the mind of said accuser?

Points to ponder.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 135

Winking Lizard.

I Didn't sleep well last night.

The wind was constantly howling and rattled windows throughout the house.

Dreams were filled with natural disasters, end of world scenarios and personal terror.
Not being able to sleep, I crept downstairs, sure that at least the cat would be as restless as I.

Scare-dy Cat?

Not so much.