Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 149

Top Design.

Sometimes we get so comfortable in our routines, our habits, even our wardrobe, that we can't see the rut we are trapped in.

Sometimes we need to step back and allow another person access to evaluate these chosen lifestyles.

It can be terrifying.
It can be nerve-wracking.

It can be liberating.

And then we may finally let go of the balloon pants we can't remember buying in the first place.

Day 148


Tonight I was embarrassed.

I secured tickets for my co-workers and myself to attend a local regional theater production. Planned several weeks in advance everyone showed great enthusiasm.

By the end of intermission, I was sitting alone.

Oh there were great excuses, don't get me wrong.
One after another.

But if I ever, and I mean EVER, hear one of my co-workers complain about the lack of a theatrical "community" I will hurt someone.

Tonight, I was hurt.

Day 147


If we are going to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out the billionaires, who is going to bail me out when I am most in need?

Why should we help the wealthy maintain their lifestyle?

Because, without their fantastically absurd and unpractical life model, I wouldn't have anything to strive for!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 146

Eagle Eye.

Can our government really spy on us?
Listen to our phone calls?
Read our emails?

But really, why?

Honestly, if they want to be that nosey, they can open my email ahead of me every day. Delete my spam. Save work-related messages. And keep all bill reminders in the inbox in hopes I might someday take care of them.

They can listen to every call I make. In fact, why don't they just call me and keep me awake on the road. Motivate me when I am feeling lazy. Make me laugh when I am down.

They can read this blog and see if there is any anti-American sentimentality to be aware of. Or they could write it for me.

Better still, our government could just leave us all alone with faith that there still are some decent people left i this world.

There just have to be.